Food Design è il marchio registrato da Paolo Barichella, e lo studio professionale fondato nel 2002 per dare forma alle sue idee. Lavora per importan ti clienti e
Il sistema creato per chi adora cucinare come si deve, ma non trova mai il tempo per dare libero sfogo alla sua passione. Dal grammo al centimetro cubico, dalle
Generare Experience e Lifestyle attraverso il Sensory Design La costruzione di un ambito e di una esperienza emozionale attraverso la Progettazione Sensoriale. Dal Food Design al Sensory Design: Il
Leggende Italiane è un progetto di Concept ideato da Paolo Barichella, basato sul modello di stile di vita Italiano per far evolvere le eccellenze in vere e proprie
Diamo sviluppo all’attivita' di Food Design in Italia e all’estero, sia sotto il profilo della ricerca che di quello commerciale. Per “Food Design” si intende l’attivita' di progettazione,
Paolo Barichella è un consulente e imprenditore attivo nell’applicazione pratica del Food Design nel business.E’ il professionista che ha teorizzato il food design in Italia nel 2002.
Durante la sua carriera ha sviluppato concept di successo per il food format retail, prodotti e linee di prodotti per il food e il consumo di food, scritto articoli e libri sul Food Design e partecipato come relatore a conferenze internazionali.
E’ docente di Food Design presso i più importanti atenei Italiani e internazionali, ha partecipato come food designer a competizioni mondiali di cucina, pasticceria e gelateria ed è stato testimonial per aziende, eventi, trasmissioni televisive e giurie di premi.
E’ attivo come Advisor per importanti clienti e gruppi industriali e partecipa in quota a progetti in cui è coinvolto personalmente.
Paolo Barichella is an Executive Food Design Advisor. Theorist and specialist consultant in Food Design since 2002, he is operative director in Strategic Design Management, Sensory Design, Concept Creation of Lifestyles and Experience.
He has developed high-profitability plans for Industries, Food Format, Products and Store.
Paolo was born in Milan (Italy) in 1969. Following his Industrial Design studies, he pursued a career in communication strategy particularly related to the theory and philosophy of Food Design, web development, as journalist and writer, as lecturer and didactic consultant. During his career, Paolo Barichella has developed and consolidated significant experience in the food technology chain and its processes, in combination with design, sensory and engineering.
Through in-depth studying and research in the field of Food Design, today Paolo Barichella is one of the most renowned international opinion-leaders in this area, often invited to participate and contribute at events and projects on food design.
In 2002, after in-depth studies in Food Technology and Sensorial Perception, he progresses his activity from designing engineering polymers and thermoplastics to giving shape and functionality to Food according to human needs. He theorizes Food Design and contributes to evolving the Industrial Designer role into specialized Food Designer.
In 2004 he started promoting Food Design in Italy, as well as enhancing it internationally, through developing related contents and theorizing its values, patenting the Food Design brand and its Internet domains,
Paolo Barichella is Founder of the Committee on Food Design ADI (Association for Industrial Design); Founder of the magazine Food Design Progettazione Alimentare; and Founder of the Food Design Community.
Opinion leader, theorist of Food Design philosophy; journalist and writer; lecturer and consultant; curator of exhibitions on the Food Design topic; speaker and testimonial at international conferences; creator of formats and business concepts related to the direct interaction between man and food.
The activity and the years devoted to define the characteristics of this specific area of design have acknowledged Paolo Barichella as the most qualified and authoritative protagonist in Food Design.
Paolo Barichella plays the Research and Development activities in the the 3 main sector of the food field:
• Food industry manufacturing (semi processed food solutions)
• Logistic and distribution Food sale
• Food service operative management (Meal dispensing management)
creating procedures transcribed in food management handbooks